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If Faith Formation is closed, it will be in the Church section and will say:

“Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church
Faith Formation – Closed”

Parish Announcements

A reception for new parishioners will be held on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 4p.m in the Rosary Hall. All parishioners who have just join the parish in the last…

Our weekday Masses are Tuesdays through Fridays @ 12.15 P.M.     – ENGLISH Also, Tuesdays @ 7 P.M  –  SPANISH  

Parish Office.

Rather than make donations using your envelopes, placing your gift in the collection basket, or mailing them to the office, you can now make a donation using the Abundant app…

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the…

We are at the beginning of the public life of Jesus. At his baptism he received the Holy Spirit and heard the Father declare him to be Beloved Son. Soon…

Today we read the last of Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain’ Coming to the end of the speech, a good speaker will try to sum up and underline what is…

The Gospel of today continues the Sermon on the Plain. The challenge is to love differently from what is the normal way of loving. The world invites people to love…

In Lk 6:12-16, Jesus spent a full night in prayer and then called twelve men from among his disciples, whom he called ‘apostles’, the sent ones. Luke will use the…