This commission is made up of the Director of Faith Formation and Volunteers responsible for coordinating the educational mission of the parish. It concerns itself with the faith formation of our children, and sacramental preparation in the parish.
Our Faith Formation program includes the four dimensions of catechesis: Doctrine, Worship, Service, and Community Building. Through social, sports and service activities, adults and youth are provided opportunities for personal growth while enhancing relationships with peers and community. The Pastor and Pastoral Associate oversee the following areas of Faith Formation in the parish.
- Adult Education: Various programs for adults in the parish are presented at times conducive to participation. All parishioners are welcome to attend.
- Youth Ministry: Here at Our Lady of the Rosary we provide a total Youth Ministry program, which seeks to foster the multi-dimensional need of our young people encompassing all age groups from early childhood to full maturity. It is rooted in relationship and focuses on the total development of each individual.
- RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): The RCIA is designed for adults who consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts. By God’s help they will be strengthened spiritually during their preparation and at the proper time will receive the sacraments fruitfully. Click here to learn more.
- Pre-Baptism: Designed to prepare parents for the baptism of their child. Parents are encouraged to register for the Baptismal preparation as early as three months prior to the birth of their child so as to be well prepared for this important sacrament of initiation. An interview with a priest is also necessary. You must be a member of this parish.
- Confirmation: The Diocese of Charlotte has determined that the celebration of Confirmation will take place during their high school year. In anticipation of the directive, Our Lady of the Rosary will include students in the 9th – 12th grade Confirmation preparation program. Candidates must have at least one year of formal faith formation prior to the preparation year. Click here to learn more.
- Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist: Children who are in the second grade and who have completed the first grade level of formal faith formation are prepared for these two sacraments by their parents and catechists. There are periodic meetings for the parents to assist them in the preparation of their children.