Parish Ministries

Stewardship is a way of life, a way of living out our call to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Like Jesus, we recognize God as the giver of all good gifts. As stewards of God’s gifts of time, talent, and treasure, we are called to accept them graciously, nurture them carefully, use them in service to others and return them to God with gratitude.

Learn More About Stewardship

Ministry Contacts

Pastoral Council Rev. Sabastian Umouyo 336-248-2463
Parish Life Ginger Leonard
Community Life & Liturgical Holly Turnage & Helen Greco
Evangelization Kriss Joss
Facilities George Olmoz
Our Lady’s Guild Karen DuCharme 336-798-7167
Knights of Columbus Jimmy Wooten
Faith Formation María Segura

Contactos Ministerios

Representante Donaciano Corona
Eucaristía Sonia Franco
Liturgia Rodrigo Yañez
Ujieres Inés de la Cruz 336-250-8401
Música Donaciano Corona 336-470-7404
Monaguillos Yasmin Velazquez 336-300-3907
Virgen Peregrina María Gonzalez 336-300-3501
Albergue Agustina Gutierrez 336-300-1067 | Esperanza Benavidez
Eventos Angelica Badillo
Bienestar Melida Cabrera | Rosa Savala
Información Pamela Mariano