Jesus calls the First Three Fishermen to Follow Him

Today’s Gospel follows the experience of Jesus in Nazareth that we read the past two Sundays. There he was first admired but later on rejected by his people (Lk 4:16-30). After some healing in Capernaum (Lk $:31-41) he prays in a lonely place (Lk 4:4243). Jesus comes back to the shores of Lake Gennesaret to teach a crowd eager to hear his word. Peter, James and John are invited to actually follow him. They leave their work and their family and friends to walk with him. Jesus teaches, challenges and calls the whole crowd. All listen eagerly but only some will be invited to follow him more closely.

“Good News for The Poor”


Two selections from the two different chapters have been put together in today’s Gospel. The first is from the introduction to the entire Gospel (Lk 1:1-4) where Luke says for whom he is writing the Gospel, how he wrote it and why he wrote it. The second part is taken from the first public appearance of Jesus in his home village, Nazareth (Lk 4:14-21). He reads a passage from the book of the prophet Isaiah (Is 61:1-2) to tell them what his mission is about. He declares that the words are fulfilled todays in his person.

“The First Sign of The New Time”


Last Sunday we read the Baptism of Jesus. Jesus has began his public ministry and will start teaching very soon. According to the tradition he is about thirty years old at this time. In today’s Gospel we see one of the first miracles he does. Jesus is invited to a wedding with his disciple and it is there that he works his first miracle. Jesus is present at the wedding with his mother also and she is the one who invites him to help the newlywed couple. The miracle is possible because the servants obey the command of Jesus.

Upcoming Second Collections

Second Collections are planned for the following weekend masses:

Seminarian Education Collection April 21, 2019

International / National Combined Collection May 19, 2019
Crisis Ministry Meals June 9, 2019
Priests’ Retirement & Benefits* July 14, 2019
Priests’ Retirement & Benefits* September 15, 2019
World Mission Sunday (Propagation of the Faith) October 20, 2019
Archdiocese of Military Services November 10, 2019
Catholic Campaign for Human Development November 24, 2019
Religious Retirement December 8, 2019

*Priest’ Retirement & Benefits is an assessment by the Diocese. OLR schedules additional collections to meet the assessment.

“Empowered for Mission by The Spirit”


Today’s Gospel is about the baptism of Jesus. Luke does not describe how the baptism actually happened. He does not even say who baptized Jesus. What Luke brings out in his Gospel is the effect of this baptism. There is a new experience of God and of the Spiritual as Jesus is at prayer. Jesus is empowered to carry out his Mission.

“Outsiders Seek Jesus”


The Gospel of Matthew that we read today allows us to see another interpretation of the meaning of the birth of Jesus for his own people and the rest of the non-Jewish world. Wise men came from very far to see the child and bring him precious gifts while the political and religious authorities of Israel are afraid and refuse to welcome him. They feel threatened and seek to eliminate him. Jesus is indeed a Messiah-King but the does not correspond to the Messiah-King his people were expecting and be experiences his first rejection

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