New Online Giving

Rather than make donations using your envelopes, placing your gift in the collection basket, or mailing them to the office, you can now make a donation using the Abundant app for smartphones, or directly from our website ( You can find the tab Give under the menu options on our homepage. This provides you with the option of making your gift via a credit or debit card, or directly from your bank account. Additionally, you can also set the process up to make your donation automatically, every week, every month, however you choose. We encourage you to try it out and set up for automatic giving, this way you will be able provide the support that you want even when you are not at church. In addition to regular offertory contributions, you will eventually also be able to donate to our 2nd collections. The platform that we have selected integrates seamlessly with our existing software so that your donations will be recorded and maintained.

Upcoming Second Collections

Second Collections are planned for the following weekend masses:

Seminarian Education Collection April 21, 2019

International / National Combined Collection May 19, 2019
Crisis Ministry Meals June 9, 2019
Priests’ Retirement & Benefits* July 14, 2019
Priests’ Retirement & Benefits* September 15, 2019
World Mission Sunday (Propagation of the Faith) October 20, 2019
Archdiocese of Military Services November 10, 2019
Catholic Campaign for Human Development November 24, 2019
Religious Retirement December 8, 2019

*Priest’ Retirement & Benefits is an assessment by the Diocese. OLR schedules additional collections to meet the assessment.

619 South Main Street, Lexington, North Carolina 27292-3238


© 2025 Our Lady of the Rosary · Made with by Diocesan

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