New Online Giving

Rather than make donations using your envelopes, placing your gift in the collection basket, or mailing them to the office, you can now make a donation using the Abundant app for smartphones, or directly from our website ( You can find the tab Give under the menu options on our homepage. This provides you with the option of making your gift via a credit or debit card, or directly from your bank account. Additionally, you can also set the process up to make your donation automatically, every week, every month, however you choose. We encourage you to try it out and set up for automatic giving, this way you will be able provide the support that you want even when you are not at church. In addition to regular offertory contributions, you will eventually also be able to donate to our 2nd collections. The platform that we have selected integrates seamlessly with our existing software so that your donations will be recorded and maintained.

Join Our Prayer Line

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Luke 11:9-10

In 2018 the Evangelization commission started a prayer line that allows members to submit prayer requests online. Emails are sent out on a weekly basis. If you are interested in participating or have intentions that you would like us to pray for, please email Kathy Gwyn at and let her know if you would like to join the prayer line and if you have prayer intentions. This medium allows us to keep in touch, especially during these troubled times. Peace and Blessings!

“Faithful in Temptation”

We are at the beginning of the public life of Jesus. At his baptism he received the Holy Spirit and heard the Father declare him to be Beloved Son. Soon after the Spirit drove him into the desert. The temptation story summaries different moments in the life of Jesus. Jesus is tempted to question the specific mission he had received as the beloved Son from his Father. In all these instances, he chose to remain faithful to his Father rather than to seek some personal glory through spectacular miracles. Satan leaves him for now, but the final temptation will be Jerusalem, during his passion (Lk 22:3.53).

“Live What You Believe”

Today we read the last of Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain’ Coming to the end of the speech, a good speaker will try to sum up and underline what is really important so that people will remember the main points. In his conclusion Jesus stressed that his disciples must learn to be true to themselves in words, thoughts and actions. Jesus uses three images taken from daily life to illustrate his point: a blind leader, a master and his disciple, the tree and its fruit. Jesus’ radical message must transform our lives if we want to bear good fruit and be disciples and leaders of others.

“Be Merciful As Your Father Is Merciful”

The Gospel of today continues the Sermon on the Plain. The challenge is to love differently from what is the normal way of loving. The world invites people to love those who love them and to repay evil for evil. However, Jesus invites his disciples to act differently. They are to use goodness of heart to overcome evil in the world and in their lives because they have seen the example of God himself. Jesus shows that love is revolutionary and can turn the world upside down.

“True happiness of the follower of Jesus”

In Lk 6:12-16, Jesus spent a full night in prayer and then called twelve men from among his disciples, whom he called ‘apostles’, the sent ones. Luke will use the title apostle only for those twelve chosen ones. Together with the other disciples they are the ones who hear the Great Sermon of Jesus on the Plain (Lk 6:17:7:1) which we start reading today. In his teaching Jesus shows where true happiness lies and warns that those who are trying to be sons and daughters of God often miss it. The standards of the world are not those of God. Jesus’ way of looking at life turns upside down our usual ideas and values.


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